In some countries, the odds of getting shot are 1 in a million. In the US, it’s 100 times higher 09/05/2018 Health News, Imagine that, in the course of a single year, a ubiquitous household item was implicated...
Is TV advertising for health insurance worth the expense? A new study says, ‘maybe not’ 09/05/2018 Health News, A new study to be published in the INFORMS journal Marketing Science has revealed that...
My day on a plate: Jessica Sepel 09/01/2018 Health News, Clinical nutritionist Jessica Sepel, 29, shares her day on a plate. Jessica Sepel. 8.30am After...
Moments of impact: A life-long journey in public health 08/31/2018 Health News, There are moments in our lives that are incredibly impactful, whether we are aware of...
Who wins when a prescription copay exceeds the drug price? Not the patient 08/31/2018 Medications, Prescription drug copayments often exceed the retail cost of a drug, a recent USC study...
It takes more than a bribe to get some people to exercise 08/29/2018 Health News, Getting people to exercise isn't as easy as dangling money in front of them like...
A Big Assist for Lil’ T 08/29/2018 Pet Care, Every Tuesday, L.A. resident Sandra L. visits her local Petco to buy food for her...
Could a natural sugar protect against diabetes? 08/28/2018 Health News, When conditions such as obesity, diabetes, fatty liver disease, and hypertension cluster together, it is...
For Susan the Paramedic, GoodRx is More than Just a Money-Saving Tool 08/24/2018 Medications, Susan has been with the Coral Springs-Parkland Fire Department for 20 years. She used to...
Menopause contributes to a decline in muscle strength – a crucial factor of functional independence in old age 08/24/2018 Health News, Menopause occurs on average at 51 years of age and leads to the gradual dysregulation...