An ‘alarming’ number of HIV cases were diagnosed in Europe last year 11/27/2018 Health News, 'Scale up your response now': Health chiefs warn of an 'unacceptably high' number of new...
Dolutegravir, an alternative first-line HIV treatment for low and middle-income countries 11/02/2018 Health News, The latest World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations published in July 2018 advocate first-line treatment of...
Why malnutrition is an issue for more than half of patients in intensive care 09/26/2018 Health News, We've known for a long time that certain patients in the intensive care unit recover...
The Germiest Place in an Airport Isn't Where You Think 09/05/2018 Health News, Nothing ruins a trip like coming down with something. If you’re a frequent sufferer of...
Going ‘Low-Carb’? Your Odds for an Early Death May Rise 08/28/2018 Health News, TUESDAY, Aug. 28, 2018 -- People who slash carbohydrates from their diets may shorten their...
An Antidepressant to Treat Postpartum Depression May Be Available Soon 08/17/2018 Health News, One out of every 7 women has experienced (or will experience) postpartum depression. It's a...
J.Lo Trainer Tracy Anderson Just Posted An Insane Before-And-After Of Her Own Fitness Transformation 08/03/2018 Fitness, If you’re wondering how to look younger and fitter in your 40s than your 20s,...
Makeup of an individual’s gut bacteria may play role in weight loss, study suggests 08/02/2018 Health News, A preliminary study published in the August issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings suggests that, for...
This Man Lost His Legs After an Infection from a Lick by a Dog Turned Life-Threatening 08/02/2018 Health News, Most dog owners welcome a happy lick from their pups now and then. But a...
This 1 Minute Workout Is As Effective As An Hour At The Gym 06/30/2018 Fitness, When we heard there was a workout that's only one minute long, but just as...