New research finds ‘mind over matter’ key to a healthy lifestyle 07/06/2018 Health News, People who want to increase their participation in regular exercise and adopt a healthier lifestyle...
New study pinpoints ways to improve quality of food and nutrition research 07/06/2018 Health News, In a study published today in PLOS ONE, experts analyzed reams of past food and...
A new book debunks the enduring myths about the female mind 07/05/2018 Health News, How being a mother makes you smarter - and hormone swings don't make you moody!...
Acadia Pharmaceuticals Announces FDA Approval of New Dosing Formulation and Strength for Nuplazid (pimavanserin) 07/04/2018 Medications, SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jun. 29, 2018-- Acadia Pharmaceuticals Inc. today announced FDA approval of a new...
Hundreds of women will be spared from cervical cancer with a new test 07/04/2018 Health News, Hundreds of women will be spared from cervical cancer each year when a new test...
This New Mum's Photos Show the REAL Evolution of a Post-Baby Body 06/30/2018 Health News, It’s pretty much a given that you’re not going to look exactly like your pre-pregnancy...
Radio Host Hamish Blake Has Attempted A Controversial New Health Challenge 06/29/2018 Fitness, He's best known for his radio segment with close mate Andy Lee, but Hamish Blake has...
Is 10,000 Steps A Day Really Enough? A New Study Has The Answer 06/29/2018 Fitness, Anyone who owns a fitness tracker (or hasn't been living under a rock) will know that...
New Rules May Constrain Docs’ Ability to Treat Chronic Pain 06/29/2018 Health News, THURSDAY, June 28, 2018 -- New laws and regulations designed to limit the use of...
New Guidelines Increase Melanoma Staging Reproducibility 06/28/2018 Health News, THURSDAY, June 28, 2018 -- Greater reproducibility and higher concordance are seen for melanoma staging...