Mayo Clinic Minute: African Americans at higher risk of stroke 05/20/2021 Health News, Cardiovascular diseases—such as stroke—are a leading cause of death and disability in the U.S. A...
Mayo Clinic Minute: What you should know about colorectal cancer 03/04/2021 Health News, Cancer of the rectum and colon often are referred together as colorectal cancer, but treatments...
A Kickboxer Just Broke His Own World Record for Most Punches in 1 Minute 01/28/2021 Fitness, A kickboxer has set a new Guinness World Record for performing the most full extension...
Mayo clinic minute: Reversing versus preventing heart disease 02/13/2020 Health News, Regular exercise, a heart-healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight and not smoking can help prevent...
An Olympian Ran the World's First Sub-4 Minute Mile in Nike's Vaporflys 02/01/2020 Fitness, Two-time Olympic runner Nick Symmonds might not be competing in the Games any more, but...
This 1 Minute Workout Is As Effective As An Hour At The Gym 06/30/2018 Fitness, When we heard there was a workout that's only one minute long, but just as...