Starting HIV treatment in ERs may be key to ending HIV spread worldwide 09/16/2019 Health News, In a follow-up study conducted in South Africa, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers say they have...
The Surprising Thing That May Affect Your Fertility 09/13/2019 Health News, Women struggling with fertility understandably want to know why they’re having trouble getting pregnant —...
NIH study suggests higher air pollution exposure during second pregnancy may increase preterm birth risk 09/13/2019 Health News, Pregnant women who are exposed to higher air pollution levels during their second pregnancy, compared...
Vaping may clog the lungs with fat and wipe out immune cells 09/05/2019 Health News, Is this how vaping is making us sick? Scientists discover even nicotine-free e-cig vapor clogs...
Long-term night-shift work may up risk for multiple sclerosis 08/28/2019 Health News, (HealthDay)—A history of 20+ years of rotating night-shift work is associated with an increased risk...
New biomarker may uncover uncontrolled asthma 08/20/2019 Health News, Cytokines are a type of proteins that are important to the signaling between cells in...
Still sneezing? Climate change may prolong allergy season 08/20/2019 Health News, Every year, without fail, summer brings changes to our surroundings: more sunlight, heat, greenness and...
Too much caffeine during pregnancy may damage baby’s liver 07/24/2019 Health News, Having too much caffeine during pregnancy may impair baby's liver development and increase the risk...
Pupil dilation and heart rate, analyzed by AI, may help spot autism early 07/24/2019 Health News, Autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders often aren't diagnosed until a child is a few years...
Umm, This May Be The Greatest Workout Playlist Of All Time 05/28/2019 Fitness, There are a few things that can really amplify a workout. Crushing it with a...