Scientists link higher maternal blood pressure to placental gene changes 02/10/2020 Health News, Higher maternal blood pressure in pregnancy is associated with chemical modifications to placental genes, according...
Study links three key variables to higher rural mortality rates in US 02/05/2020 Health News, Since the 1980s, the all-cause mortality rate in the U.S for rural residents has exceeded...
Preference for fentanyl higher amount young, white, frequent opioid users 09/18/2019 Medications, A minority of people who use illicit opioids indicated a preference for fentanyl, the super-potent...
NIH study suggests higher air pollution exposure during second pregnancy may increase preterm birth risk 09/13/2019 Health News, Pregnant women who are exposed to higher air pollution levels during their second pregnancy, compared...
Patients taking statins face a higher risk of type 2 diabetes 03/06/2019 Health News, Heart patients taking statins face a higher risk of type 2 DIABETES as study adds...
Young black gay men have vastly higher HIV rates yet fewer partners 12/04/2018 Health News, Young black men who have sex with men (MSM) are 16 times more likely to...
Blood pressure pills could raise risk of lung cancer, research finds 10/25/2018 Health News, Blood pressure pills taken by MILLIONS worldwide 'raise your risk of lung cancer', scientists warn...
In some countries, the odds of getting shot are 1 in a million. In the US, it’s 100 times higher 09/05/2018 Health News, Imagine that, in the course of a single year, a ubiquitous household item was implicated...
Long shift patterns lead to higher sickness absence risk for hospital-based Registered Nurses and Healthcare Assistants 07/17/2018 Health News, A new study has found that consistently working long shifts on hospital wards can lead...