Fatal police shootings 40% more likely in states with higher gun ownership 10/14/2018 Health News, The U.S. Constitution’s second amendment gives us the “right to bear arms,” but what if...
Voiced the healthiest principle of diet for all 10/13/2018 Fitness, The Presidential Commission from the American Heart Association (AAC) has printed the outcomes of new...
What works best for treating children’s colds? 10/11/2018 Health News, School is in full swing, and with it comes a plethora of colds passed back...
Hand Sanitizer Is Better Than Soap and Water at Preventing Sickness in Children: New Study 10/10/2018 Health News, As cold and flu season begins to take hold, a new study suggests that parents...
Too Much Sugar Makes Kids Violent And Prone To Drug Addiction, Studies Show 10/10/2018 Health News, Turns out there's nothing sweet about the white stuff after all! A spoonful of sugar...
Children partially paralyzed: Facts on acute flaccid myelitis 10/10/2018 Health News, Recently making headlines is a rare complication occurring from some viruses called acute flaccid myelitis...
What 3 charts say about women in health IT leadership roles, salary and the rise of chief nursing officers 10/09/2018 Health News, Women in health IT today comprise a smaller percentage of CIO posts than they did...
‘CureStigma’ Theme Promoted By NAMI On National Mental Illness Awareness Week 10/09/2018 Health News, This week from October 7 to October 13 is National Mental Illness Awareness Week in...
Why You Need To Stop Ignoring This Body Part When It Comes To Fitness 10/08/2018 Fitness, When you hit the gym it’s likely that you’ll be focusing on the major muscle...
Diet Coke Causes Toxic Gut Bacteria Through Artificial Sweeteners, According To New Study 10/06/2018 Health News, A new research found that sugar substitutes cause a stressing effect on gut bacteria, preventing...