Higher BMI, body fat, and larger waist and hips pose similar risk for 10 common cancers 05/10/2021 Health News, Obesity increases the risk of developing 10 of the most common cancers, regardless of how...
Hormone helps prevent muscle loss in mice on high fat diets, study finds 02/23/2021 Health News, A new study suggests that a hormone known to prevent weight gain and normalize metabolism...
Losing tongue fat improves sleep apnea 01/10/2020 Health News, Losing weight is an effective treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), but why exactly this...
Your Job Could Be the Culprit Behind that Increasing Belly Fat 11/20/2019 Fitness, Statistically, we spend around a third of our lives at the office working. Of course,...
Vaping may clog the lungs with fat and wipe out immune cells 09/05/2019 Health News, Is this how vaping is making us sick? Scientists discover even nicotine-free e-cig vapor clogs...
High fat diet during pregnancy slows learning in offspring, rat study suggests 08/27/2019 Health News, In a bid to further explore how a mother-to-be's diet might affect her offspring's brain...
Women should’t fear that the Pill will make them FAT 08/27/2019 Health News, Women should not worry that taking the contraceptive pill will make them FAT 'because there...
This Lawnmower Kettlebell Flow Cuts Through Fat 08/24/2019 Fitness, You've seen a lot of flow on Men’s Health recently. You know, those moves that...
‘Brown fat’ guards against obesity by filtering out bad proteins 08/21/2019 Health News, There IS such a thing as good fat: 'Brown' cells guard against obesity and diabetes...
What Lifting Weights Does to the Harmful Fat Around Your Heart 07/29/2019 Fitness, As people exercise, start to eat more healthfully, and drop some pounds, they may experience...