Heartburn pills taken by millions TREBLE the risk of deadly bugs 10/04/2018 Health News, Heartburn pills taken by millions TREBLE the risk of deadly bugs because 'they reduce stomach...
Bleeding gums and all-day nosebleeds are a deadly bone marrow disease 09/25/2018 Health News, Woman's bleeding gums and all-day nosebleeds turn out to be a sign of a deadly...
Michigan resident infected with deadly mosquito-borne illness, health officials say 09/18/2018 Health News, A Michigan resident has been diagnosed with a case of Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), a...
New mum developed sepsis after infected C-section wound began leaking 08/10/2018 Health News, New mum, 29, developed deadly sepsis after infected C-section wound began leaking pus 'The consultant...
Smokers are up to 45% more likely to suffer from irregular heart beats 07/12/2018 Health News, Smokers are up to 45% more likely to suffer from deadly irregular heart beats, study...