Postpartum Healthcare Needs Exceed Those of Nonpostpartum Patients 04/19/2021 Health News, Postpartum women with commercial health insurance use substantially more inpatient and outpatient care than nonpostpartum...
Physical therapy after c-section improves outcomes 02/17/2021 Health News, Women who received physical therapy after undergoing a cesarean section had significantly improved outcomes compared...
Women who deliver by C-section are less likely to conceive subsequent children 07/09/2020 Health News, Women who deliver their first child by cesarean section (C-section) are less likely to conceive...
Push-button pain meds curb need for opioids after C-section: study 10/15/2018 Medications, (HealthDay)—Letting women who've had a cesarean section dispense and control pain medication through a catheter...
In childbirth, when to begin pushing does not affect C-section rates 10/09/2018 Health News, More than 3 million women in the United States give birth each year. But obstetricians...
Skin microbiota differ for obese, non-obese undergoing c-section 08/28/2018 Health News, (HealthDay)—After cesarean delivery (CD), the incision site harbors a higher bacterial biomass in obese women...