Reading minds with ultrasound: A less-invasive technique to decode the brain’s intentions 03/23/2021 Health News, What is happening in your brain as you are scrolling through this page? In other...
Self-awareness can drive behavior change, reprogram the brain’s reward system 01/07/2021 Health News, For many people, the new year marks a demarcation line for a fresh start, when...
Scientists discover what happens in our brains when we make educated guesses 09/17/2020 Health News, Researchers have identified how cells in our brains work together to join up memories of...
Women's Brains Are 3 Years Younger Than Men's, According to New Research 02/06/2019 Health News, Confirming what you’ve long suspected (kidding, kidding), your brain is younger than a guy’s brain....
Just 6 Months of Walking May Boost Aging Brains 12/20/2018 Health News, THURSDAY, Dec. 20, 2018 -- Walking and other types of moderate exercise may help turn...
Aluminium may cause multiple sclerosis 08/21/2018 Health News, Aluminium may cause MS: Patients have levels in their brains that 'cannot be ignored' Aluminium...
Feeling younger than you are may slow down the rate your brain ages 07/04/2018 Health News, You are as young as you feel: People's brains age slower if they see themselves...