Gasoline and health effects: Symptoms and treatment 10/23/2018 Health News, Gasoline is a human-made substance that people use primarily to fuel vehicles and other machines...
Infertility: Common signs in men and women 10/22/2018 Health News, Infertility affects both men and women. According to the Office on Women's Health, about a...
Stem cells: Sources, types, and uses 10/19/2018 Health News, Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can turn into specific cells, as the body needs...
Gingivostomatitis: Symptoms, causes, and treatment 10/17/2018 Health News, These sores can develop on the tongue, under the tongue, and on the cheeks inside...
Moving location of fruit and vegetables in shops can lead to 15% sales increase 10/15/2018 Health News, Simply moving where fresh fruit and vegetables are placed in a shop can increase their...
COPD and anxiety: Medication and coping strategies 10/15/2018 Health News, A 2016 study concluded that people with COPD have a significantly higher likelihood of anxiety....
In Canada, pot legalization poses health and safety challenges 10/15/2018 Health News, Canada will end its pot prohibition Wednesday with the goals of curbing the black market...
“Don’t Adopt That Dog!” And Other Bad Advice You’ll Hear 10/12/2018 Pet Care, Shelter dogs may look cute and cuddly, but do you know the truth about these...
New study examines Brexit’s effect on ‘Sugar Tax’ and coronary heart disease 10/11/2018 Health News, A new study published in Public Health Nutrition examines the potential effects of Brexit on...
Head MRI: Uses, results, and what to expect 10/10/2018 Health News, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans provide 3-D images of specific body parts. The scan produces...