Can plastic included parts: Aldi Nord recalls chocolate biscuits

Due to the possibility of red plastic particles in a “Biscotto American Cookies” warned the Dutch company Banketbakkerij Merba B. V. prior to the consumption of chocolate biscuits.

If it were a 225-gram packages with the expiration date 24.05.2020, the company said on Tuesday evening.

The affected Batch was only Taught in the ALDI North companies Bargteheide, Barleben, Berlin, Germany, Beucha, Beverstedt, dates, Greven, Hann, Münden, Herten, Horst, Jarmen,-Sievershausen, Lingen, in the middle of the forest, Nortorf, Radevormwald, Germany, Rinteln, Schloß-Holte, Weimar and Werl been expelled.

Aldi have taken the cookies with the expiration date from the shelves. Customers can return the affected product using the trade and refund the purchase price without a receipt, as the company stressed.

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