Worship service, excursions, Easter fire: What is allowed due to Corona at Easter and what not

The grandparents visit, excursions, Easter fire, the Easter holidays are used to spend with the loved ones time.

This year, the novel provides, however, for many of the new rules, restrictions, and changes in everyday life, which can be, in spite of the holidays, not paused and allowed.

So extended excursions remain prohibited, and the traditional Easter fire in addition to a reunion with the grandparents who belong to the risk group should be avoided, for the protection.

Also, the individual Federal States is not like the definition of the prohibition of Contact and co. just slightly – after many discussions, different rules for the holidays now apply to almost every country.

Movement in the Free remains allowed with restrictions

Who’s afraid of the now, to the beautiful spring weather completely isolated in your own apartment, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

A walk in the fresh air, exercise in the fresh air or a bike ride allowed to remain in all of the länder, largely, if you comply with the distance rules, to the second maximum or the living in the household people on the road.

Further restrictions in the Federal state of Bavaria provides, for example: Who goes out, must stay mobile, so a picnic is prohibited, and also longer breaks on the Park bench are undesirable.

Also in Hamburg, care must be taken on a certain thing. Some of the walkers and Bicycle riders have transgressed in the past few days, illegally the border to Schleswig-Holstein, which is why tours in the direction of the North or Baltic sea must fail.

In public places to grill remains in all länder banned, but in the home garden or on the balcony possible.

On trips should largely be dispensed with

For many Germans, a trip with the whole family is simply a must for the holidays.

This year such activities are to enjoy but with caution. So continuing to travel for leisure purposes and as a tourist remains prohibited in Saxony.

In Saxony, even a strict trip was a prohibition from the higher administrative court in Bautzen confirmed. This specifies that you should remove a maximum of ten to 15 kilometres for the purpose of the exercise in the fresh air of his apartment.

In Baden-Württemberg, day trips remain permitted, and also Hamburg and Bremen allow areas excursions in the recreation.

In Bavaria, Berlin, Hesse, lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia trips is not prohibited, while knitting, but should be based on your need tested – excursion consent should appeal to your mind.

This applies when meeting with the family

Holidays mean family time – that will probably not be able to change the Coronavirus.

In Baden-württemberg, Meet with maxmimal five people in the suitable apartment are allowed even. The round must even be larger, if the guests are in a straight line related to each other.

In lower Saxony, private visits remain possible.

In Bavaria, however, an Easter brunch with friends and also parents as well as grandparents, you should visit only if they are in need of assistance – a reunion of the couple, who live in a long-distance relationship, but it remains permitted.

In Brandenburg, no one on the private plot of land for the Easter holidays and may be invited to attend.

Visits to and from partners, however, are still permitted. Photo gallery: 10 tips, from viruses and bacteria to protect

Family visits, for example, in the case of the parents, are not Vorpommern prohibited in the state of Mecklenburg-although expressly, should, however, be reduced to the absolute Minimum necessary, or best to be completely deleted.

In the Rhineland-Palatinate should be avoided on visits to Relatives and friends, and in Saxony, relatives may only be visited if they are reported at the same residence.

A worship service will remain online

For many families, the walk to the Church on Easter for the Tradition part of it. This year, these have to keep your doors closed – the service.

As a solution, many houses of worship offer Online services, for example, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Hamburg – so no one has to completely abandon the Easter sermon.

Also at the annual Easter fire this year there will be some limitations. While in Hamburg until the end of April all public and non-public events are prohibited, to stay in Schleswig-Holstein, a small fire on private land allowed the Inviting of guests is prohibited.

Anyone who owns an allotment, small garden or second residence, it is allowed to use in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Thuringia.

In Brandenburg, the boat owners may stay still on their boats, celebrations, and parties remain in the state of Schleswig-Holstein says. The violation of the rules to threaten in some of the Federal penalty change already met in the amount of several Hundred euros.


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  • Bavarian state Ministry of the interior, Sport and Integration: information about the Coronavirus, retrieved on 09.04.2020 https://www.stmi.bayern.de/miniwebs/coronavirus/faq/index.php
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  • Co-ordination centre crisis management in Brandenburg, questions and answers on the topic of Corona, retrieved on 09.04.2020 https://kkm.brandenburg.de/kkm/de/start/fragen-und-antworten/
  • Bremen experience: Coronavirus, retrieved on 09.04.2020 https://www.bremen.de/corona#buerger-innen
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  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: questions and answers to effects of the Corona pandemic, retrieved on 09.04.2020 https://www.regierung-mv.de/Landesregierung/im/weitere-Themen/FAQ Coronavirus
  • Lower Saxony, Germany.Clearly.: Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ), retrieved on 09.04.2020 https://www.niedersachsen.de/Coronavirus/antworten-auf-haufig-gestellte-fragen-faq-185463.html
  • We in North Rhine-Westphalia, the country’s portal: FAQ for the Corona Virus, archived from the original on 09.04.2020 https://www.land.nrw/de/wichtige-fragen-und-antworten-zum-corona-virus?from=mid1
  • Rheinland-Pflaz, the state government: third Corona-fighting regulation, Rheinland-Pfalz, retrieved on 09.04.2020 https://corona.rlp.de/fileadmin/rlp-stk/pdf-Dateien/Corona/200323_3_Corona-Bekaempfungsverordnung.pdf
  • State government of Saarland: FAQ – frequently asked questions on the topic of Corona in the Saarland, retrieved on 09.04.2020 https://corona.saarland.de/DE/faq/faq_node.html
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  • Saxony-Anhalt: the third regulation on measures to curb the spread of the novel Coronavirus SARS‐CoV‐2 in Saxony‐Anhalt (third SARS‐CoV‐2‐containment regulation – 3. SARS‐CoV‐2‐EindV), archived from the original on 09.04.2020 https://ms.sachsen-anhalt.de/themen/gesundheit/aktuell/coronavirus/fragen-und-antworten/#c236310
  • Schleswig-Holstein, The true North: Coronavirus, information for Schleswig-Holstein, retrieved on 09.04.2020 https://www.schleswig-holstein.de/DE/Schwerpunkte/Coronavirus/FAQ/faq_coronavirus_node.html
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Antonia Hagedorn

*The contribution of “divine service, excursions, Easter fire: What is allowed due to Corona at Easter – and what doesn’t” published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.