Slimming, despite the holidays: So effective interval is fasting on Christmas
Cookies, delicious Roast and a mulled wine – as soon as December and the holiday season starts, lurking everywhere turns sweet attempt.
There will be feasted in the meantime, of course, and nibbled; would be a pity to ban all of the Treats.
The rude awakening usually takes place in the new year, when the good intentions and the urge to make full of deeds on the scale. Many people put on Christmas weight.
From year to year, more on the hips
The Tricky thing is: In most cases, remain the extra kilos in the coming months on the hips. Year-on-year increases in this way, the weight.
But that must not be.
Like a recent study from the USA shows, it is possible to keep the current weight in December without the delicious feast altogether prohibit.
The magic word is interval fasting.
Interval fasting at Christmas, and Two days calories reduce
In the study, 22 healthy, but overweight adults took part. Ten of them in the diet group were assigned to the other twelve persons formed the control group.
In the period from mid-November to 03. January of the next year should fasting the diet group two days a week and not more than 730 calories a day. To the support they received in these days of Shakes and Supplements.
The remaining five days of the week were allowed to make the subjects eat technically as usual.
Less weight, better blood values with interval fasting
The results are clear: In the period of the Experiment the average weight of the diet had reduced the group of 76.3 Kilos to 75 kilos. The subjects in the control group had, however, accepted neither in nor out.
But it’s not just the weight on the scale is improved in the trial period.
The scientists also showed that the blood fat in the subjects in the fast group. The value of”good” HDL-cholesterol was increased, while the value of the Nahrunsgfettes triglycerides was decreased.
In the control group this was quite different: Here had values of Insulin, the “bad” cholesterol and total cholesterol, worsened.
No regrets in the new year
Even if it might not seem like quite so easy to fast during the Christmas season for two days of the week, criss-crossed almost all the subjects in the diet up to the end consistently.
A trial is fast, the Interval in any case, the value of: Finally, it restricts the Feast only to a small extent, and spared the remorse in the new year.
In addition, only the figure on the restricted food intake, but the health as a Whole is benefited.
- Hirsh, S., et al. (2019): Avoiding holiday seasonal weight gain with nutrient-supported intermittent energy restriction: a pilot study, retrieved on 04.12.2019
Cornelia Bertram
*The contribution of “Slimming, in spite of the holidays: So, effectively, the interval is released fast on Christmas” is from FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.