Remdesivir: vertebral to drug for Corona patients

In the treatment of lung disease Covid-19 first experience with a originally against Ebola developed drug rise to cautious hope.

The U.S. drug Remdesivir is currently being studied in global studies. In the short term, reports ensured for vortex, after which the medium was not a success.

Manufacturers such as doctors warn against jumping to conclusions in both directions. The drug brought in patients in the Munich, clinic Schwabing, the first successes, said Clemens Wendtner, chief physician of the clinic for infectious diseases.

According to conservative estimates, had benefited one-half of the treated patients, said Wendtner, who called not a number. It looks then that the seriously Ill could be used to be of the breathing machine.

In the U.S., Doctors reported the first encouraging experiences. According to media in Chicago, 125 Corona-treated patients with the drug.

I have Heard that the manufacturing company wants to soon publish an interim analysis at 400 patients with a severe course.

Study of Corona-drug: Acts Remdesivir?

On Thursday, a publication provided as a surprise to eddy, according to a Chinese study is said to have brought with Remdesivir disappointing results.

The anti-viral drug had proved to be a Flop, it was said in Report on on the page of the world health organization published document – which was, however, removed after a short time.

The US manufacturer Gilead Sciences rejected the reports that suggested a prompt on the share price of the company. The stock turned negative.

There had been no approval for publication of the results, the company said. The study had been cancelled due to low participation prematurely, therefore no statistically meaningful conclusions could be drawn.

“In this respect, the results of the study are inconclusive, though Trends in the data suggest a potential Benefit for Remdesivir, particularly in patients who are treated early in the disease,” said Gilead Sciences.

Results of the world would be expected to continue studies with severely and moderately ill patients at the end of may.

In Germany, the Munich Klinikum rechts der Isar of the Technical University of Munich, the Hamburg University hospital Eppendorf and the University hospital of Düsseldorf to participate in the studies in addition to the schwabinger hospital.

Still, it was too early for a final assessment, said Wendtner, who had treated in January, the country’s first corona cases. Approximately 7600 patients to participate in studies.

“We have not yet recruited the half of it.”

Remdisivir: no robust results

To said of the controversial Chinese study, Wendtner, only just under half had been treated by the target of 453 patients who are severely ill, patients with the drug.

This does not allow for a reliable statement. In addition, had not been defined, what was seen as a serious Covid-19-disease. The ultimately reliable Chinese intermediate results are not likely to jeopardize the continuation of the ongoing studies.

It would have to wait for “in peace”, what this would be, said Wendtner. At the end of may data is expected, “which will then allow a final Statement regarding Remdesivir”.

Currently, however, applies: “There is no drug that is proven that it affects Covid-19.” The more important it is to take the hazards seriously and to keep safety measures.

Covid-19: Other possible Medikemante disappoint

Other existing drugs, including antimalarials and HIV medicine, would have brought no results: The against Malaria and used chloroquine, the US President Donald Trump as a panacea against the Coronavirus had praised, have brought no success.

A study even suggests that the agent may, depending on the dosage, severe side effects, the mortality rate for Covid-19-drive patients to the top.

Without the effect of HIV remained according to another study, in turn, is a drug that he himself had initially, hope said Wendtner.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)

*The post “Remdesivir: vertebral to drug for Corona-patients,” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.