Nutritional traffic light: food industry calls for Nutri-Score-Change
From the food industry, calls for Changes to the proposed new labelling of Nutri-Score according to.
The food Association of Germany calls for a successful introduction of “currently existing contradictions” for the benefit and protection of customers and the company liquidated would have to be.
In a Ten-point paper, all the rights were with the French health authority.
To be able to all the eating habits in Europe map, should be given the sovereignty to a higher-level European Institution.
Nutri-Score is intended to draw sugar, fat and salt the password
The Federal food Minister, Julia Klöckner (CDU) had determined after a long dispute over a clearer labelling of sugar, fat and salt on the French System.
Brought to you, in the meantime, a regulation to create the legal framework for voluntary use of the logo for finished products.
Nutri-Score is the content of sugar, fat and salt values of components such as ballast substances or proteins, a recommend in a overall rating, and then specifies a single value – on a five-point scale from “A” on a dark green field for the most favorable balance sheet on a yellow “C” to a red “E” for the worst.
The appropriate field is highlighted.
Photo gallery: How foods differ in their nutrient content
The food Association also calls for several Changes in the calculation basis of this assessment.
So the effective proportion of fruit and vegetables in the Nutri should include a Score not only canola, olive, and walnut oil, but more recommended vegetable oils. For this purpose, account is also taken of potatoes, should also be considered.
Divided opinion about the nutritional value traffic light
In the food industry, there are different positions for the Nutri-Score. Several major manufacturers are in favour of the Logo.
The first products are already available to buy in German supermarkets. Some trade have announced chains to the labelling, at least for parts of their own brands to introduce.
The new Logo is intended to be a complement for the EU-wide mandatory nutritional value table, which is usually in small print on the back of packs.
Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)
*The post “nutritional traffic light: food industry calls for Nutri-Score-Change” will be released by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.