Dave Asprey Interview to be 180 years old and like 27 appearance

Dave Asprey senses strained in the direction of the humming, which seems to be somewhere from the ceiling to stem.

He comes from a in exactly 20 minutes clocked Meeting from its adjacent Bulletproof Café, ancestor of his "Human Upgrade"-Movement.

According to estimates by the business magazine "Forbes" since 2009, when Asprey, the recipe for the Butter and coconut oil versetzten"Bulletproof Coffee" online 160 million cups of the miracle set, by means of consumed.

The inventor of the Biohacking

The variant from the Tetra pack or ten years later, one of the three best-selling drinks in the US-whole foods market chain "Whole Foods".

Hollywood stars such as Shailene Woodley ("Big Little Lies") athletes and legends like David Beckham and Tom Brady swear on the oily brew.

Asprey claims that since he drink it, have improved his IQ by 20 points, and his body weight from 140 to 90 pounds reduced.

The 45-Year-old is regarded as the father of Biohacking, "the art and science of manipulating your inner and outer circumstances, to gewinnen&quot control over your biology;.

His Podcasts are heard by millions, his books on eternal youth are regularly in the "New York Times"-Best-seller lists. (The latest bears the modest title "Super Human: The Bulletproof Plan to Age Backward and Maybe Even Live Forever".)

For his theses is so steep and the underlying science is still vague, makes Asprey a very tidy impression.

The father of the Biohacking wears glasses with yellow lenses ("The glasses are like Noise-canceling headphones for the eyes, relax the Gehirn") to calico Jeans and a loose shirt with stand-up collar.

Aspreys Goal: Forever Young

He is tall, 1,95 meters, and looks like a well-preserved forty-something. From the outside. From the inside he is, in his opinion, in his early twenties.

Nearly two million dollars has been invested Asprey so far in its Anti-Aging action – and he is still not at the end. The former Silicon Valley entrepreneur, is the Conviction that the human life time to hack the program like a computer.

For this, he is shying away from any means.But right now, this sums bothering him. "How long has it been going?", he wants to know from one of his black-clad Trainer.

Asprey lives far away, on a Farm in Canada, in the "Bulletproof"-Headquarters to Santa Monica, he only comes every few months. "The Klimaanlage", the coach says. "Not good for the Vibe", Asprey says. Someone turns on the Lounge music.

In the Studio to "Supermensch"

The "Upgrade Lab" in Santa Monica, is the first of a planned chain of Studios where you can train against a fee of 1000 dollars per month or 50 dollars per unit to a super-human without breaking a sweat.

At the beginning of 2019, with a branch at the luxurious Beverly Hilton Hotel, opened for the future of branches in all over the world are planned. If we want to talk to in the office?

No, in this case, the Guru, in the middle of the "Labor", in the Seating group in front of the shop window on Santa Monica’s Main Street and beyond, full ceiling lighting. Everything, what to say to Dave Asprey, he wants to share with the world. He has no secret, just a Plan

FIT FOR FUN: Mr. Asprey, you want to be 180 years old. Why 180?

Dave Asprey: This is based on realistic assumptions. Even now, there are people who are 120 years old. And have done this without our modern Hygiene, antibiotics, balanced nutrition. I intend to beat the.

FIT FOR FUN: you describe yourself as a Biohacker, in his "Upgrade Labs" Super people trained. It is not enough to be the crown of creation?

Dave Asprey: I’m not. I believe in technology and the future. And I want you to experience! By 29 I was on the verge of a heart attack. I had made a fortune in Silicon Valley, but my body was that of an old man.

I weighed in at 140 pounds, from suffered from Arthritis, high blood pressure, even my cognitive abilities buildings. Today, I am in the best shape, come with five hours of sleep, my IQ increased by 20 points and I can eat 4000 calories a day without gaining weight.

FIT FOR FUN: they have neither a medical nor a scientific Background. What do you know better than the experts?

Dave Asprey: Nothing – I avail myself of the experts. For my books, and my Podcasts, I speak-makers with the Nobel prize, researchers and luminaries from all over the world. When something is obvious, I can try it myself. And if it works, I’ll share it with my followers.

FIT FOR FUN: "Bulletproof"-Coffee was the first product of their research. Caffeine with fat, for a mixture, as you drink the Tibetans for thousands of years as a butter tea.

Dave Asprey: Yes! But I replaced the bean the tea pure organic coffee, and Butter from pasture cows, the Brain Octane Oil, a triglyceride of coconut comes.

FIT FOR FUN: you know that there are also experts there that the effect of "Bulletproof"-Coffee question. Only because of the many Butter.

Dave Asprey: My blood levels are fantastic. I’ll be monitoring you 24/7 via a small implant in my upper arm. These results speak for themselves.

FIT FOR FUN: If it goes after them, we eat large quantities of fat and moving only occasionally to incredibly expensive machinery that our cells "of innen" train.

Dave Asprey: It’s about efficiency. If I can stimulate in ten minutes with a machine under the influence of light, cold, or oxygen, my metabolism much the same way as a one-hour continuous run, why should I waste my time?

As I weighed 140 pounds, I trained six times a week and was eating extremely low fat.

With the result that I was constantly tired and hungry. Bulletproof is the result of my despair about the fact that none of the proven methods worked!

FIT FOR FUN: a Lot of your methods are expensive and only anecdotal evidence.

Dave Asprey: Right. But you, what have they done for the progress we have made in the past 30 years concerns. Previously, only millionaires, a car phone, a Minute at a cost of $ 25. And today, you can get thrown afterwards.

FIT FOR FUN: people develop but not as fast as computer technology.

Dave Asprey: But, we in the Anti-Aging tremendous progress. Between 2000 and 2015, the global life expectancy of 80 grew to 85 years. Every second child born today in the United States on the world may expect 104 years of life.

So when I hear of new methods that can extend my life by 15 or even 95 percent, then I will implement the.

FIT FOR FUN: Among other things, they could be liposuction, in order to derive their own stem cells to win, and in the whole body to inject let. Including the brain and Penis.

Dave Asprey: Yes, and I can tell you, liposuction was more painful than the injections. I was subjected to earlier, a stem cell therapy, but only locally. In the knee, sometimes in the face against wrinkles.

This full-body treatment, I plan to leave from now on, every six months to make. Under Full Anesthesia.

FIT FOR FUN: Make you a effect?

Dave Asprey: I sleep better. Last night it was five hours 43 minutes.

That sounds like not much, but thanks to my "Aura"-Ring I know: two and a half hours I found myself in the REM-Phase, and one and a half hours in the deep sleep.

The least 22-Year-old to achieve such values in eight hours! A side effect is that I can hold more alcohol.

FIT FOR FUN: do you drink?

Dave Asprey: Only red wine from Europe, older than I am.

FIT FOR FUN: A glass of red wine is supposed to be good because of the Anti-Aging substance Resveratrol.

Dave Asprey: The talk of the people, in order to feel good, if you drink. Not for nothing is the Post where I wrote about was how you can reverse the negative effects of alcohol, the most widely read of my blog.

But the truth is: Nothing is so healthy as to not drink at all. Alcohol makes you look older.

FIT FOR FUN: And stem cell injections into the Penis …

Dave Asprey: … are a little uncomfortable. My stem cell therapy, I see it as a prophylaxis. I don’t want to only do not suffer from age-related erectile dysfunction, hair loss. Until now, no complaints.

FIT FOR FUN: Of all the unproven benefits of whole-body stem-cell treatment aside, your dealing with hormones seems to be quite fearless.

Dave Asprey: Why? Me no study is known, after the intake of bioidentical hormones, cancer, or heart attack caused. I can think better, have more Power, and lust for Life.

FIT FOR FUN: Too much can growth of facial hair, pimples, and heart problems mean. We need only female Bodybuilder to watch.

Dave Asprey: Oh, this whole fear mongering of hormones dates back to the seventies. At the time, was injected to the Estrogen therapy Premarin derived from the urine of pregnant mares.

And the Bodybuilder, by the way, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Office is right here next door – injected artificial testosterone that caused liver damage and even cancer.

FIT FOR FUN: Still missing long-term studies of the side effects of "bioidentischen" Hormones.

Dave Asprey: I don’t care. I’m interviewing the world’s top hormone experts. I speak at theamerican Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine in front of 3000 Doctors who specialize in hormone treatments.

What are Americans to kill, are not hormones, but prescription opiates. And, you know, what causes cancer? Weed-killers!

When we speak of risks, why not of the unmarked active substances in foodstuffs? Much more dangerous than a reasonable prescribed hormones.

FIT FOR FUN: Ran at their self-‘ve been trying to change what is wrong?

Dave Asprey: Once I tried with a light therapy my brain to stimulate, to Swedish faster to learn – my wife is a Swede. Then I babbled on for hours, but still no Swedish.

FIT FOR FUN: your wife is a Doctor. What keeps you from your self-treatment methods?

Dave Asprey: a Lot of it makes you with how the red light therapy for wrinkles and my diet. But I’ll take 150 supplements a day, many of which are not for the body of a fifty year old woman would do.

FIT FOR FUN: you have two million dollars in their eternal youth is invested.

Who wants to join you must pay 1000 Dollar a month fee in your Upgrade Lab and, if possible, as you to Canada, to live in a healthy air and happy cows. Anti-Aging is only for the Elite?

Dave Asprey: Brutal said, Yes. Poverty makes you fat and sick. Here in the US, there are in certain areas not even a supermarket where you get fresh vegetables.

A long, healthy life today can go quite a bit. But mobile telephones were expensive.

FIT FOR FUN: How to defend the large quantities of beef and veal to the Bulletproof diet include?

Dave Asprey: So much meat is not at all, even vegetarians can bulletproof life. It depends on the right combination of fats. We’re not talking huge Steaks, but a fillet of beef in two, three days in the week.

FIT FOR FUN: you write in your new book about the seven pillars of aging. Can you tell us a Anti – Aging Trick that works without much effort?

Dave Asprey:Cold showers. For a good night’s sleep, higher fat-burning and anti-inflammatory …

FIT FOR FUN: A last question: What if you in front of your 180. in the truest sense of the word of life to be tired? Because their bodies work well, but you look in the mirror an old man?

Dave Asprey: it Is not conceivable. My ideal is looking to be a wise Guru, in the the people’s Council. And look like 27.

Brigitte Steinmetz

*The post “Dave Asprey, in an Interview: “180 years old, and like the 27″ looks” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.