Healthy sleep: the best tips from the experts
Healthy sleep is not a Top priority in our society. Quite the contrary: Who sleeps, the way has his reputation because he or she is regarded as a convenient, passive and not powerful. The used to emphasise terms such as “Sleepyhead” or “bozo” – you are always in a pejorative context. While healthy sleep is not only relaxing, but even a matter of survival.
All regeneration processes at night in our body, we charge our batteries, to protect from colds and co., our brain processes all the stimuli it received during the day, and stores newly acquired Knowledge. However, as sleep is really restful and healthy? (For more on all facets of healthy sleep, you can read here)
What exactly healthy sleep is?
Our expert Dr. Hans-Günter Blind, head of the interdisciplinary sleep center at the Palatine hospital of Klingenmünster, defines it as follows: “sleep is healthy, if the man of the day awake, sleep, and performance feels capable of, even in monotonous situations, such as, for example, on long car trips, a good guard can hold.”
Healthy sleep has no specified duration, you can not say a flat rate, how many hours of healthy “should be duty-sleep”. What we know, however, that most of the people usually sleep between six and eight hours. And as long as our deep sleep lasts on average? Shorter than most would suspect, as Dr. Blind: “In middle age of a deep sleep, a content of about 15-25 percent of the total sleep time. If someone had eight hours of sleep, and we assume a 20 percent deep sleep and share the 96 minutes.” (Also read: a Short night? So you survive the day)
It makes the sleep really relaxing
Subjectively, we perceive our sleep, then as being particularly restful, when we are rarely awake – or at least not have noticed. It is quite normal and even useful, that we are several times per night just awake. “Our genes are still the same as in the stone age, and since it was from a matter of survival, and to Wake up to see if we are still not sure, or us in front of Tiger and co. to the next tree to escape”, explains the expert.
It counts in the assessment of whether our sleep is healthy, not only the duration but also the quality of sleep. The answer to the question “How long healthy sleep is?” offer only half of the truth for us. (For more on sleep myths you can read here)
Off? Turn it all the way!
Who has not the feeling, to sleep well, who is tired during the day and unfocused, perhaps even more vulnerable than usual to infection, you should try to improve his sleep. The most important advice of our experts, how we do that is at the same time, that is for us to implement the most difficult: “to sleep well and healthy, we should be relieved of at least one hour before the Sleep is complete and all the big and small Concerns to bed to take,” he says.
But, unfortunately, we cannot turn it off to us just like the TV or the Smartphone, even when we wish for in the evening, often for nothing more, if we can’t get back to sleep. But what we can do is develop strategies that help us in a sleep-promoting relaxation to come.
Three tips for a healthier sleep
Tip #1: The bedroom must be dark
The darker the bedroom, the better. Because then we form the sleep-promoting hormone Melatonin. TV, phone, and Tablet, interfere with their bright Displays, you have to look in the bedroom nothing. Shutters or blackout blinds are a good idea, also the lighting in the bedroom should be subdued. (Also interesting: Sleep doctor reveals: What really helps when going to Sleep)
Tip #2: Create a good room climate
Especially in the cold Season, we introduce ourselves under a cosy bedroom a cozy, warm cave, there are even so-called heating sleeper, for there is nothing Better than being next to a full up, radiators fall asleep. However, studies show that the best temperature for a healthy night’s sleep between 16 and 18 degrees, the humidity should be between 40 and 60 percent. So: radiators, turn down and before going to bed ventilate well!
Tip #3: have A light Work-out in the evening makes you pleasantly tired
The emphasis is on “easy”! In the evening, completely being able to exercise is not a good idea, because then we go our autonomic nervous system, our body is set to high performance, and we can’t relax. A leisurely jog, a walk or a relaxing Yoga Session provide, however, our body with a lot of oxygen to push on without him – and that helps us fall Asleep. (For more on Meditation for a strong body, you can read here)
Try these three strategies just once. And if you are called next Time, “Sleepyhead”, you are just happy. After all, who sleeps healthy is smart – and that’s a nice compliment. (Also read: Better sleep: do not use in the evening on this food)
This article was written by (Eva Stammberger)
*The contribution of the “Healthy sleep: The are published the best tips from the experts” is from GQ. Contact with the executives here.