Without a hangover into the new year: tips to survive new year’s eve without a thick skull

On new year’s eve to pop the Cork is traditionally – but where cheerful is triggered, follows the next Morning, quickly the remorse in the Form of a massive hangover.

With some tips this can, however, prevent and, if all of the measures have not helped, also combat.

1. The right Foundation to create

Before and during the new year’s eve party, you can feast properly, because particularly fat and protein – rich food remain long in the stomach and slows the alcohol absorption into the blood.

In the result of the blood alcohol level is less increases, you will be so drunk slower.

At the Party itself, you should make sure to grab the right Snacks.

Fat – and salt-containing food can prevent a mineral deficiency, excessive consumption of the body but with the addition of water to escape.

Sweet food should be avoided, however, since sugar can increase the effect of alcohol.

2. Reasonable Consumption Of Alcohol

The Start of the new year is for many a cause to look a little deeper into the glass. However, one should not übetreiben it – and the drinks, choose Wisely.

Because different types of Alcohol cause the next Morning, different degrees of discomfort.

Especially Brandy and red wine often lead to a thick skull. Less treacherous, however, are wine and Gin – and-white, of course, the quantity is always crucial.

Caution when warm, and extremely sweet drinks such as mulled wine, Punch or sugary mixed drinks. This increase the alcohol absorption into the bloodstream significantly.

Apart from the sparkling wine for the Toast, it can’t help to drink if there are too many varieties of a mess – so to keep easier track of them.

3. If possible, drink plenty of water

Alcohol deprives the body of liquid, therefore one should drink during the celebration plenty of water. As a rule of thumb is to drink every alcoholic drink with a glass of water.

Before sleeping you should take in addition a minimum of half a Liter of water.

In addition, it can help effervescent tablets with Magnesium and calcium in it to dissolve. This is to offset the lack of trace elements caused by the consumption of alcohol.

4. Fresh Air

Movement can support the walk in the fresh air before bedtime the Ausnüchterunsprozess. It can also help to ventilate the bedroom and the window, if it is not too cold overnight to leave.

The oxygen helps the body while sleeping, in the Regeneration. This tactic can help to avoid a thick skull, and Nausea.

You Wake up in spite of all the precautions with a nasty hangover, can help these Tricks to get rid of.

5. The body refresh

To get back into the swing, it can be an invigorating shower is exactly the right Start.

In order to bring the circuit back into the swing, only lukewarm showers, then the water is to cold and the body from the bottom to the top and wash it off.

A walk in the cool air or cold bag on the head can help combat nasty headaches. Due to the cold, the vessels constrict, causing the pain subsides.

6. Hangover Breakfast

Even after the new year’s eve is the right food intake is important to combat a hangover, a hearty Breakfast can help relieve the discomfort significantly.

The body needs many minerals and vitamins, also plenty of liquid – perfect-grain bread, eggs and lots of vegetables are full.

Even after the Party you should continue to steer clear of sugar-containing foods – bread, spreads and sweets are therefore taboo.

Acidic foods can irritate the stomach unnecessarily, and also caffeinated drinks are only available in small quantities is advisable. Because caffeine can help against headaches, to trigger a lot of headaches.

Further alcohol in the Morning is not recommended in any case, even if the rumor persists that a counter-beer works wonders. As a result, the symptoms do not improve, however, but extend only.

7. Proven Home Remedies

Against hangover symptoms, some house can help means.

Ginger tea, for example, inhibits the production of stomach acid and calms the nervous system. Similar to chamomile tea it is, therefore, ideal to combat heartburn, Nausea, and dizziness.

Also in tablespoons of oatmeal or a glass of milk can help to bind the stomach acid.

Cornelia Bertram

*The post “Without a hangover into the new year: tips to new year’s eve will survive without a thick skull” published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.