This 20-Rep Armday Finisher Annihilates Your Triceps

To build arm size, strength, and muscle, you need to lift heavy and you need to lift hard. But the underrated key in the arm-muscle-building equation is one more idea, too: Time-under-tension. Your biceps and triceps need to squeeze — and continue to squeeze — throughout each rep and set, pushing blood into the muscle, and building a strong mind-muscle connection.

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That’s what you’re going to do during the countup-countdown triceps blast finisher from Men’s Health fitness director Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S. This nasty series has you doing 20 reps of triceps work from two different angles, but you aren’t just piling up reps, either. “You’re also accumulating a ton of time-under-tension for the ‘non-working’ side,” says Samuel. “Basically, save the split-second when your muscle relaxes after the more classic reps in here, your tris are never working.”

That adds up to about a minute of constant work for your triceps, and you’ll feel that in a vicious pump after every set. You’ll need a looped resistance band to pull off the countup-countdown triceps blast. If you don’t have one, try this set from WodFitters.

You pile up time-under-tension, and your triceps will be screaming. But there’s more to this series than that, says Samuel. “You need to focus on keeping your hips and shoulders square when you do this,” he says, “and that’s going to tax your core more than you think.” Your abs and glutes will get benefit from this move, even if they’re not completely worn out. “Not every core exercise is going to leave your abs on fire,” says Samuel. “But trust me: They’ll be putting in work on this one.”

You can use the countup-countdown triceps blast in a variety of ways. It can easily be a finisher to a triceps workout or it can be an accessory move on a bench-pressing day. It can also be an armday finisher. “Or, if you’re in a time crunch,” says Samuel,” this is a nice way for a quick triceps pump as a standalone workout.”

For more tips and routines from Samuel, check out our full slate of Eb and Swole workouts. If you want to try an even more dedicated routine, consider Eb’s New Rules of Muscle program.

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