Sent your kid to daycare or school sick? You’re not alone 09/24/2019 Health News, Body Language is our wellbeing column, examining trending issues in diet, health and fitness. I...
The Shocking Reason why Your Waistline is Directly Influenced by Your Mind 09/14/2019 Fitness, We all know the drill. In order to get smaller waistlines, we need to watch...
The Surprising Thing That May Affect Your Fertility 09/13/2019 Health News, Women struggling with fertility understandably want to know why they’re having trouble getting pregnant —...
The reason your fingers wrinkle in water 09/12/2019 Health News, It happens in the pool, the ocean, and even in the bathtub — suffice to...
Is your son obsessed with body image? 09/11/2019 Health News, We generally assume girls worry most about their body image. Although that's still true, the...
Should you take your shoes off at home? 09/05/2019 Health News, Maybe you kick off your shoes at home because you don't want to track dirt...
A prescription for medicating your child safely 09/02/2019 Medications, When your child is sick, taking the right medication can make all the difference—as long...
Fitbit Is Ready to Make Your Fitness Tracker Actually Useful 08/28/2019 Fitness, Every time I've ever written about a fitness tracker or activity-focused smartwatch, I've included some...
Quiz: How optimistic are you? The results might determine your lifespan 08/27/2019 Health News, Looking on the bright side doesn’t just make you an optimist, it might also be...
How to Boost Your Squat Strength 08/26/2019 Fitness, Do your knees, hips, or back sometimes hurt for seemingly random reasons? Do running, lifting,...