Researchers predict 1.4 million deaths from all cancers in 2019 in the EU: Overall death rates from breast cancer fall in the EU, but rise in Poland 03/19/2019 Health News, Death rates from breast cancer are predicted to fall in all European Union (EU) countries...
Illuminating women’s role in the creation of medieval manuscripts: Analysis of the fossilized dental plaque of a medieval woman reveals lapis lazuli, suggesting she was an accomplished painter of illuminated manuscripts 01/11/2019 Health News, During the European Middle Ages, literacy and written texts were largely the province of religious...
Persistent hot flashes may lead to increased risk of breast cancer 01/04/2019 Health News, Studies examining the association between vasomotor symptoms (VMS) and breast cancer are not new, but...
Does having muscle weakness and obesity lead to falls for older women? 11/06/2018 Health News, As our society continues to age, experts project that falls and the health complications that...
HPV vaccine: Why parents really choose to refuse: Study results suggest safety concerns top the list, and that physicians need to step up their patient education and vaccine recommendations 10/25/2018 Health News, A new study of survey data finds that only a minority of parents choose not...
3D mammography detected 34 percent more breast cancers in screening 10/15/2018 Health News, After screening 15,000 women over a period of five years, a major clinical study in...
Experimental engineered bone to help osteoarthritis patients 09/26/2018 Health News, Researchers from the Faculty of Chemical Technology, Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania are developing...
New way to identify telltale markers for breast cancer tumors 09/07/2018 Health News, A research team led by USC scientists has developed a new way to identify molecular...
Birth defect predicts testicular cancer, infertility in adulthood: Poor compliance with guidelines on timing of corrective surgery 08/31/2018 Health News, Medical researchers are urging greater compliance with guidelines recommending surgery for undescended testes (UDT) before...
Remifentanil during labor could halve the number of women needing an epidural 08/14/2018 Health News, Half as many women in labour who were given a drug called remifentanil to help...