Two blood thinners at once: More risk with the same reward 04/19/2021 Health News, More blood thinners aren't automatically better, another study confirms. A new publication in JAMA Internal...
Struggling With Your Deadlift? Let the Hex Bar Help. 04/15/2021 Fitness, The deadlift is one of the gold standard lifts in the gym. It’s pretty simple,...
The impact of COVID-19 on people with kidney failure 04/08/2021 Health News, A new analysis reveals that individuals with kidney failure have faced especially high hospitalization and...
‘Heart-in-a-box’ can be lifesaving, matching up distant donors with patients 04/08/2021 Health News, A few days after his 74th birthday, Don Stivers received his dream gift—a new heart....
Chest CT illuminates mortality risk in people with COPD 04/06/2021 Health News, Body composition information derived from routine chest CTs can provide important information on the overall...
Families With Sick Kids on Medicaid Seek Easier Access to Out-of-State Hospitals 04/05/2021 Medications, Three-year-old Elizabeth Zakutansky was born with a rare genetic condition that causes multiple seizures. Her...
Mask use low when people visit with friends 04/03/2021 Health News, While nearly all Americans use a mask at some point each week, very few consistently...
ASPCA Assists Hamilton Police Department with Rescue of Nearly 30 Dogs in Northwest Alabama 04/01/2021 Pet Care, At the request of the Hamilton Police Department, the ASPCA National Field Response team is on the...
People with severe gum disease may be twice as likely to have increased blood pressure 03/29/2021 Health News, Adults with periodontitis, a severe gum infection, may be significantly more likely to have higher...
PET and CT scans provide keen views of lungs with active TB, and are better assessment tools than sputum tests 03/27/2021 Health News, In clinical trials, a time-honored but old-school way to determine if TB is being knocked...