With recent surge, Uruguay battles to contain coronavirus 05/31/2021 Health News, When Eduardo Rey celebrated his 69th birthday at home with 10 family members in Uruguay's...
Bedtime with a pet won’t harm your kid’s sleep—and might help 05/25/2021 Health News, Does your teen have the family cat or dog as a nighttime sleep mate? Is...
Helping Horses: It Starts with Adoption 05/14/2021 Pet Care, You, or someone you know, has likely adopted, or considered adopting a dog or cat....
Take a Walk With a Heavy Pack for Surprising Gains 05/10/2021 Fitness, This is Your Quick Training Tip, a chance to learn how to work smarter in...
Men with chest pain receive faster, more medical attention than women 05/06/2021 Health News, Among younger adults visiting the emergency department for chest pain, women may be getting the...
No pandemic end in sight with raging outbreaks in India, Brazil 05/01/2021 Health News, Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Fresh coronavirus waves showed no sign of abating Saturday as devastating...
No pandemic end in sight with raging outbreaks in India, Brazil 05/01/2021 Health News, Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Fresh coronavirus waves showed no sign of abating Saturday as devastating...
Eye movements of those with dyslexia reveal laborious and inefficient reading strategies 04/28/2021 Health News, Researchers have long noted that readers with dyslexia employ eye movements that are significantly different...
With OK from experts, some states resume use of J&J vaccine 04/24/2021 Health News, With a green light from federal health officials, many states resumed use of the one-shot...
Canada reaches deal with Pfizer for vaccines in future years 04/23/2021 Health News, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Friday Canada has reached an agreement with Pfizer for 35...