Lack of online access a barrier for athletes with disabilities, study finds 10/01/2020 Health News, Despite overtures to the contrary, para-athletes remain largely invisible within the vast majority of Canadian...
Heart rhythm in COVID-19 patients receiving short term treatment with hydroxychloroquine 09/25/2020 Health News, Credit: CC0 Public Domain Short-term hydroxychloroquine treatment is not associated with lethal heart rhythms in...
Study suggests regular hot baths are associated with improving various risk factors for type 2 diabetes 09/22/2020 Health News, New research presented at this year's Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study...
Baricitinib in Combination with Remdesivir Reduces Time to Recovery in Hospitalized Patients 09/19/2020 Medications, INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) and Incyte (NASDAQ: INCY) announced today...
Seaweed capsule with stem cells could repair heart attack damage 09/14/2020 Health News, Seaweed capsule packed with stem cells could repair damage after heart attack, scientists find A...
Kids with white-coat hypertension might be at risk for eventual progression to sustained high blood 09/10/2020 Health News, Children and adolescents diagnosed with white coat hypertension might be at risk for eventual progression...
Madrid struggles with Europe’s acutest 2nd wave of pandemic 09/04/2020 Health News, The Madrid regional government is further restricting family reunions and social gatherings to curb a...
Infants in households with very low food security may have greater obesity risk 09/04/2020 Health News, Infants from households reporting very low "food security," a measure of access to adequate and...
People with obesity are at high risk for severe COVID-19. That poses serious medical and social challenges 09/04/2020 Health News, The United States and many other developed countries are confronting intertwined public health crises—the coronavirus...
Pregnant mother’s immunity tied to behavioral, emotional challenges for kids with autism 08/14/2020 Health News, Children with autism born to mothers who had immune conditions during their pregnancy are more...