Watch This Bodybuilder Try Pole Dancing for the First Time 09/15/2019 Fitness, Pole dancing requires a significant amount of athletic prowess. First off, the core and upper...
Watch Strongman Brian Shaw Take On His Wife in a CrossFit vs. Strongman Workout Contest 09/07/2019 Fitness, Brian Shaw, four-time winner of the World's Strongest Man title, isn't afraid of a challenge....
Watch This Guy Prank Gym Patrons on Their Phones 08/27/2019 Fitness, If you've ever belonged to a commercial gym, you've experienced the extreme annoyance that comes...
Why You Should Watch The New Farrah Fawcett Documentary Tonight 06/24/2019 Health News, Farrah Fawcett was one of the most famous (and gorgeous) actresses of the 1970s, when...
Watch The 4-Move HIIT Workout That Helped Transform Trainer Kelsey Wells’ Body 06/13/2019 Fitness, Time: 5 minutes or moreEquipment: MatGood for: Total body, cardioInstructions: For each move, perform as...
Watch Dr. Pimple Popper Pop A Dilated Pore Of Winer Right In The Corner Of A Man's Eye 05/17/2019 Health News, In her newest Instagram video, Dr. Pimple Popper pops a pimple on a man's eyelid....
Watch Dr. Pimple Popper Meet a Cyst Her Tools Can't Handle 04/16/2019 Health News, While it may seem obvious that you're never supposed to squeeze a cyst with your...