Horrific Cruelty by USDA Licensed Breeder 10/20/2021 Pet Care, In late September 2021, after documenting over 140 violations of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA)...
We’re Reminding the USDA to Protect Animals Before Disaster Strikes 07/13/2021 Pet Care, As a leader in disaster response, the ASPCA helps animals across the country affected by...
USDA Commits to Taking Action on Inadequate Organic Welfare Standards 06/22/2021 Pet Care, After more than three years since hard-fought improvements to the National Organic Program (NOP) were...
We’re Taking the USDA to Court for Sleeping on the Job While Animals Suffer 06/14/2021 Pet Care, Friday, the ASPCA filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for failure...
USDA Congressional Budget Hearing Raises Animal Welfare Concerns and Offers Hope for Reforms 04/15/2021 Pet Care, On Wednesday, April 14, U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack testified virtually before the...
65 Groups Come Together to Urge the USDA to Take Action to Reform Factory Farming 03/02/2021 Pet Care, On February 26, the ASPCA led a coalition of 65 non-profits, farming groups, and companies...
The Battle to Ensure Protections for USDA Organic Animals 06/04/2020 Pet Care, In 2017, after years of advocacy by the ASPCA and other stakeholders, the USDA issued...
ASPCA Leads Coalition Urging USDA to Stop High-Speed Animal Slaughter During COVID-19 05/05/2020 Pet Care, COVID-19 has had a severe impact on animals and workers at slaughterhouses, where the virus...
USDA Must Stop Issuing New Licenses to Puppy Mills During Coronavirus Pandemic 04/09/2020 Pet Care, The USDA is responsible for licensing certain animal businesses, such as puppy mills and zoos,...
20 Violations Over Five Years—How the USDA Keeps Bad Puppy Mills in Business 04/07/2020 Pet Care, The USDA is tasked with licensing certain animal businesses and enforcing federal animal welfare care...