Drug combination for treatment resistant depression no more effective than single 11/05/2018 Health News, Psychiatrists and GPs increasingly combine mirtazapine with an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) or SNRI...
Lead accumulation in shin bone may be associated with resistant high blood pressure 10/26/2018 Health News, Accumulations of low levels of lead in the shin bone of men were associated with...
Social media for medical journals operates in ‘wild west,’ needs more support to succeed: ‘American tax dollars are paying for research the public never hears about’ 10/21/2018 Health News, Much of the published medical research goes unread by the general public and medical community,...
Genome sequencing found feasible and informative for pediatric cancer treatment 10/18/2018 Health News, Comprehensive genetic testing of tumors and non-cancerous tissue from pediatric cancer patients is a feasible...
Cancer patients with rare deadly brain infection treated successfully with off-the-shelf adoptive T-cell therapy: Treatment may have implications for leukemia, lymphoma and some other immunodeficiency disorders 10/15/2018 Health News, An emerging treatment known as adoptive T-cell therapy has proven effective in a Phase II...
Seizures begin with a muffle 10/11/2018 Health News, Some patients describe epileptic seizures like an earthquake from within, starting slow and growing without...
Scorpion census: Researchers update global record of medically significant scorpions 10/10/2018 Health News, Scorpions can be found at every corner of the globe and on six of the...
Weight loss drug shows positive effect on diabetes 10/06/2018 Health News, At the 2018 Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Brigham and...
Deaths of despair: The opioid epidemic is just part of the problem: Rising medical costs may be the biggest contributor to declines in life-expectancy 09/28/2018 Health News, Opioid-related deaths contributed to more than 60,000 U.S. lives lost in 2016 but absolute declines...
Experimental engineered bone to help osteoarthritis patients 09/26/2018 Health News, Researchers from the Faculty of Chemical Technology, Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania are developing...