This laser is supposed to rejuvenate vaginal tissue. But scientists say it’s no better than a placebo 10/20/2021 Health News, Have you heard of a fractional carbon dioxide (CO2) laser? These lasers are a commercial...
What to do if your basement is too humid 10/19/2021 Health News, Basements tend to hold more humidity than other parts of the home, which could make...
10 Ways to Help Dogs in Need This Month 10/19/2021 Pet Care, October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, otherwise known as Dogtober, and we want to...
WHO set to restart Sputnik COVID vaccine analysis 10/19/2021 Health News, The World Health Organization said on Thursday it was about to restart the process of...
How to ask friends and family if they’re vaccinated, and how to handle it if they say no 10/01/2021 Health News, The weekend is approaching, your fridge is stocked with cheese and you're eager to organize...
Misuse of stimulants linked to other drug abuse 09/28/2021 Health News, College students who misuse stimulant drugs or nootropics like Adderall or Ritalin are also likely...
Exercising to burn calories doesn’t actually work – here's why 09/27/2021 Fitness, Exercise is often associated with caloric burn, but new research shows that active people actually...
4 Exercises to Build Speed Like DK Metcalf 09/26/2021 Fitness, This past spring, Seattle Seahawks receiver DK Metcalf, 23, decided to test his speed against...
New guidelines to improve reporting standards of studies that investigate causal mechanisms 09/21/2021 Health News, A new guideline has been developed to help scientists publish their research accurately and transparently....
What to know about treating sepsis 09/14/2021 Health News, September is Sepsis Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn more about...