Peloton’s Cody Rigsby Wants You to Think Outside the Box With New Adidas Collection 03/18/2021 Fitness, It’s an overcast Tuesday morning when Cody Rigsby and I get onto a Zoom call...
These 4 Athletes Are the Future of Their Sports 03/17/2021 Fitness, The prototypical standard of what makes an elite athlete might be morphing. Conventional thinking will...
This Mobility Coach Is Using Social Media to Change the Way You Move 03/15/2021 Fitness, Mike Wasilisin, D.C., couldn’t redefine mobility from his California chiropractic center, so he shut it...
Breast cancer: The risks of brominated flame retardants 03/12/2021 Health News, Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) are found in furniture, electronics, and kitchenware to slow the spread...
A year into the pandemic, mothers and children are still struggling 03/12/2021 Health News, One year ago this month, the COVID-19 pandemic forced schools and child care centers to...
Meet the Retired Nurse Who Could Give Covid Shots But Couldn’t Get One 03/11/2021 Health News, Martha Gallagher, a 75-year-old retired school nurse, wanted to volunteer for the Delaware Medical Reserve...
1st COVID-19 vaccine vial used in the US headed to museum 03/10/2021 Health News, When a New York nurse became the first American to receive a dose of an...
Learning to help the adaptive immune system 03/10/2021 Health News, Scientists from the Institute of Industrial Science at The University of Tokyo demonstrated how the...
Ask the Pediatrician: Should I be worried about heavy metals in my baby’s food? 03/09/2021 Health News, I've been reading about heavy metals in baby food. How concerned should I be? Recent...
Updates on the Baylor cranial gunshot wound prognosis score 03/09/2021 Health News, In 2014, the Journal of Neurosurgery published a paper by a group of researchers from...