Should you take fish oil? Depends on your genotype 03/29/2021 Health News, Fish oil supplements are a billion-dollar industry built on a foundation of purported, but not...
Take 7 Minutes to Blitz Your Glutes and Hamstrings 03/25/2021 Fitness, Struggling to find enough time in the day to squeeze in a workout? Don't worry—you're...
65 Groups Come Together to Urge the USDA to Take Action to Reform Factory Farming 03/02/2021 Pet Care, On February 26, the ASPCA led a coalition of 65 non-profits, farming groups, and companies...
Take Rogue\u2019s \u2018Bear Hug Challenge’ This Weekend for a Shot at $2,500 02/11/2021 Fitness, We know Men’s Health readers love a challenge, whether it’s committing to 30 days of...
Q&A: Uncertain times take their toll on teeth and jaws 11/12/2020 Health News, If it seems like you've been gnashing your teeth over the woes of the world,...
T cells take the lead in controlling SARS-CoV-2 and reducing COVID-19 disease severity 09/16/2020 Health News, Ever since SARS-CoV-2 first appeared, researchers have been trying to understand whether sometimes the immune...
While the US is reeling from COVID-19, the Trump administration is trying to take away health care 09/04/2020 Health News, The death toll from COVID-19 keeps rising, creating grief, fear, loss and confusion. Unfortunately for...
The COVID-19 virus can spread through the air, and here’s what it’ll take to detect the airborne particles 08/17/2020 Health News, A growing body of research shows that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, can spread...
Watch an Active Duty U.S. Marine Take on the Navy SEALs Physical Screening Test 01/14/2020 Fitness, There are plenty of videos out there of bodybuilders, powerlifters and YouTube fitness personalities attempting...
Take the mental health test backed by Harry, William, Meghan and Kate 10/07/2019 Health News, Take the mental health test promoted by Princes Harry, William, Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton...