All you need to know about … sea swimming 10/02/2018 Fitness, What the expert says ... Julie Bradshaw MBE is one of the world's top open-water...
#thisgirlcan? I much prefer #thiswomandoes | Shelley Silas 10/02/2018 Fitness, I am a 57-year-old woman in excellent health. I love exercising, and my training gear:...
Cheerleading is for boys too 10/02/2018 Fitness, They hop, they bop, they wave their pom-poms 'til they drop; but there's nothing coy...
Indoor rowing vs kayaking 10/01/2018 Fitness, Cardio fitness Indoor rowing Using 70% of your muscles dynamically gets your heart rate up:...
Peta Bee: Retro walking is big, and growing 10/01/2018 Fitness, Ever felt your fitness regime was heading into reverse gear? Yes, we've all been there...
Lucy Atkins on infant swimming 10/01/2018 Fitness, When two-year-old Elizabeth Jelley fell into the family swimming pool she managed to right herself,...
Does Pole-zing work? 10/01/2018 Fitness, What is it? A fusion of Nordic walking and Pilates, Pole-zing involves power-walking in groups...
Easy yoga poses for bad backs and other common health problems 10/01/2018 Fitness, For insomnia, try the … Child’s pose (balasana) Poses that fold your body in on...
Depression and exercise: a group to get you Up and Running 10/01/2018 Fitness, If you were to stumble upon this women's running group on an afternoon stroll around...
How effective are online gyms and ‘exergames’ such as Nintendo’s Wii Fit? 10/01/2018 Fitness, Wii Fit Reviewed by: Karen Widdowson, 35, electronic communication coordinator, London I wanted to lose...