Brief workouts for runners: basic strength training 10/04/2018 Fitness, Most runners I work with are very good at putting in the miles. Give them...
Running blog: how was your weekend running? 10/04/2018 Fitness, The trails were swarming with runners this weekend. With the London marathon now just four...
All you need to know about: running 10/03/2018 Fitness, What the expert says... Paula Radcliffe is the current world record holder for the women's...
What to eat in the three days before running the London marathon 10/03/2018 Fitness, It's 2004. New York. My first marathon. Am I relishing the moment? Unfortunately not. Excited...
Jenni Falconer: ‘Running a marathon burns about 2,500 calories’ 10/03/2018 Fitness, Hello! What have you been up to recently? It's been a busy year so far...
London Marathon 2013: good luck to all runners! 10/03/2018 Fitness, Here at the running blog we would like to wish all you London marathoners a...
Running blog: How was your weekend running? 10/03/2018 Fitness, Happy new year runners. How has it been for you so far? I started my...
Why don’t black people run marathons? 10/03/2018 Fitness, In 1980, just 11% of marathon finishers in America were women; last year it was...
Project Marathon: The finish line 10/03/2018 Fitness, The beginner: Carol Williamson Marathon day arrived and I joined the thousands of runners congregating...
Why barefoot isn’t best for most runners 10/03/2018 Fitness, "Was he looking for 'those toe shoes'?" "Yeah. He's off." "Did you not tell him...