With age comes hearing loss and a greater risk of cognitive decline 02/12/2019 Health News, Hearing impairment is a common consequence of advancing age. Almost three-quarters of U.S. adults age...
People with love handles face a greater risk of dementia 01/10/2019 Health News, People with love handles or beer bellies face a greater risk of dementia: Excess fat...
Mediation and exercise lower your risk of getting the flu 01/04/2019 Health News, Mediation and exercise lower your risk of getting the flu, study claims Adults who engaged...
Hearing loss is a risk factor for premature death 12/12/2018 Health News, A new study links hearing loss with an increased risk for mortality before the age...
Autism, ADHD in One Child Tied to Raised Risk in Siblings 12/10/2018 Health News, MONDAY, Dec. 10, 2018 -- Autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are so closely linked that...
How fake food news is putting us all at risk 12/02/2018 Health News, Pedlars of fake food news: Are Gwyneth Paltrow and a Canadian mother of one who...
Friends and family increase the risk of children becoming smokers in the UK 11/16/2018 Health News, Teenagers whose mothers smoked during pregnancy, or whose parents or friends smoke, are more likely...
Millions of at-risk patients have yet to get their flu jab this winter 10/30/2018 Health News, Millions of at-risk patients have yet to get their flu jab this winter 'because of...
Fake drugs: The global industry putting your life at risk 10/30/2018 Medications, In late 2012, 60 people died in two cities in Pakistan after drinking cough syrup...
Allopurinol Linked to Reduced Risk for CKD Stage ≥3 in Gout 10/25/2018 Health News, THURSDAY, Oct. 25, 2018 -- For patients with gout, allopurinol is associated with a reduced...