Reducing tau protein levels can help maintain balance in the brain, says study 10/20/2021 Health News, With the school year well on its way, we all recognize the importance of getting...
Reducing effects of metabolic syndrome traits on atherosclerosis 08/24/2021 Health News, The deleterious effects of metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors on arterial health can be reduced...
T cells take the lead in controlling SARS-CoV-2 and reducing COVID-19 disease severity 09/16/2020 Health News, Ever since SARS-CoV-2 first appeared, researchers have been trying to understand whether sometimes the immune...
McVitie's is reducing sugar in nine favourite biscuits by up to 10% 02/20/2020 Health News, You're taking the biscuit! McVitie's is reducing sugar in Digestives, Hobnobs and several other nation...
Free-standing emergency departments in Texas’ big cities are not reducing congestion at hospitals 05/21/2019 Health News, Free-standing emergency departments (EDs) in Texas' largest cities have not alleviated emergency room congestion or...
Where people live before hospitalization important for discharge planning, reducing readmissions 09/24/2018 Health News, Forty per cent of older adults who leave hospital are discharged to home care or...
Tai Chi Effective at Reducing Number of Falls in Older Adults 09/12/2018 Health News, TUESDAY, Sept. 11, 2018 -- Tai chi is more effective than conventional exercise at preventing...