Q&A: Uncertain times take their toll on teeth and jaws 11/12/2020 Health News, If it seems like you've been gnashing your teeth over the woes of the world,...
Mayo Clinic Q&A: Adolescents and gynecologic health 10/26/2020 Health News, My daughter is 14 and her pediatrician recently reminded us that she should get the...
Mayo Clinic Q&A: Understanding ‘golfer’s elbow 08/19/2020 Health News, Dear Mayo Clinic: About a month ago, I began experiencing pain in my elbow. I...
Q&A: Commissioner Brendan Carr on FCC's telehealth programs for COVID-19, underserved patients 04/17/2020 Health News, With COVID-19 bearing down on America, the Federal Communications Commission has amplified its commitment to...
Q&A: How the future of medicine looks to the FDA’s top drug regulator 09/07/2019 Medications, If there's anyone in the United States who can see the future of medicine, it's...
Mayo Clinic Q&A: Artificial sweeteners—aye or nay? 07/24/2019 Health News, Dear Mayo Clinic: Are artificial sweeteners bad for your health? I want to cut down...