Closing treatment gaps critical to ending the U.S. HIV epidemic, experts say 08/22/2018 Health News, Daily antiretroviral therapy (ART) that suppresses HIV to levels undetectable by standard blood tests is...
Parental cancer linked to poorer school grades, educational attainment, and adult earning power: The more severe the cancer the greater the impact seemed to be 08/21/2018 Health News, Childhood experience of parental cancer is linked to poorer school grades, educational attainment, and subsequent...
Number of opioid prescriptions remains unchanged, research finds 08/03/2018 Health News, Despite increased attention to opioid abuse, prescriptions have remained relatively unchanged for many U.S. patients,...
Preparing for quick radiation diagnostic test in case of a nuclear disaster: Researchers’ goal is to improve radiation testing through gene expression 07/11/2018 Health News, Researchers at the University of Arizona College of Medicine -- Phoenix are attempting to create...