Researchers clarify role of mutations in glioblastoma 07/11/2018 Health News, Researchers from the University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center have discovered how different...
Preparing for quick radiation diagnostic test in case of a nuclear disaster: Researchers’ goal is to improve radiation testing through gene expression 07/11/2018 Health News, Researchers at the University of Arizona College of Medicine -- Phoenix are attempting to create...
Protein function repairing genetic damage in spermatogenesis identified 07/09/2018 Health News, Researchers from the Department of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology and the Institute for Biotechnology...
A new study identifies 40 genes related to aggressive behavior in humans and mice: On mice and humans: Genes, evolution and aggressiveness 07/09/2018 Health News, The origins of the violent behaviour are multifactorial and respond to the interaction of several...
Current ACL return to sport criteria fails to identify second injury risk 07/06/2018 Health News, Returning to your sport after an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury and not suffering a...
Computer algorithm maps cancer resistance to drugs, therapy 07/05/2018 Health News, New methods of studying the evolution of treatment resistance in head and neck cancer are...
Novel property of a new anti-tuberculosis drug 07/04/2018 Health News, University of Otago researchers have discovered a novel property of a new anti-tuberculosis drug which...