Why scary movies are helping some people cope with the pandemic 10/30/2020 Health News, If you're dealing with anxiety in 2020, could watching a horror movie make you feel...
People with autism may have large deficits in facial recognition 10/28/2020 Health News, The ability to recognize faces varies greatly, but individuals with autism spectrum disorders can especially...
How a Twitter hashtag provides insights for doctors and support for people with breast cancer 10/23/2020 Health News, A UCLA-led review of nine years of social media posts with the hashtag #BCSM suggests...
New app will help people with serious mental illness develop a crisis plan 10/08/2020 Health News, A new mobile app, My Mental Health Crisis Plan, allows individuals who have serious mental...
Trump is 1 of 10 people to get antibody drug outside of clinical trial 10/06/2020 Health News, President Donald Trump received an unapproved antibody cocktail as part of his coronavirus treatment, making...
Researchers study how deaf and hearing people watch sign language 09/09/2020 Health News, A recent study has shown that readers' eye gaze behaviors are strong indicators of words...
Black people more likely than others to die from colorectal cancer spreading to the liver 09/09/2020 Health News, Colorectal cancer is more prevalent among Black people, a group that has the highest rates...
People with obesity are at high risk for severe COVID-19. That poses serious medical and social challenges 09/04/2020 Health News, The United States and many other developed countries are confronting intertwined public health crises—the coronavirus...
Say what? Like animals, people perk up their ears to hear 08/04/2020 Health News, (HealthDay)—Like many other animals, people can move their ears to focus on a specific sound,...
Sikh man creates longer face masks for people with beards and turbans 07/23/2020 Health News, Despite research showing that masks provide some protection against spreading coronavirus, some people are still...