Study: Normal concussion recovery could take up to a month 09/02/2021 Health News, The largest study of concussion ever conducted in college athletes is redefining the timeline for...
Why Unilever Is Removing the Word "Normal" From Its Packaging 03/11/2021 Skin & Body Care, Normal, out of context, seems like a harmless word. On the label of a beauty...
Why Unilever Is Removing the Word "Normal" From Its Packaging 03/11/2021 Skin & Body Care, Normal, out of context, seems like a harmless word. On the label of a beauty...
Going from 0 to 100: How the return to normal could lead to burnout 03/07/2021 Health News, Source: Read Full Article
If Your Armpits Suddenly Smell Worse Than Normal, Your Diet Could Be To Blame 06/25/2020 Health News, Look, we've all had the dreaded pitting out experience—whether during a toasty workout class or...
I always drink a cup of coffee every day in the morning, even at 13 years old. About 10-20 minutes later, I always get cramps and have to go to the bathroom repeatedly. Is that normal? 05/18/2020 Fitness, Great question! Coffee is a natural diuretic (makes you have to pee), and for many...
Chest X-ray findings normal for many confirmed COVID-19 cases 04/17/2020 Health News, (HealthDay)—Most patients presenting to urgent care centers with confirmed coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have normal...
A ‘normal’ resting heart rate may not be so normal after all 02/09/2020 Health News, Most healthy people experience little variation in their heart rates at rest, but a new...
What should my heart rate be and what affects it? Two experts explain 07/09/2018 Health News, What is a normal heart rate and what's the most effective way to measure it?...