Ending a 40-year quest, scientists reveal the identity of ‘hearing’ protein 08/23/2018 Health News, Scientists at Harvard Medical School say they have ended a 40-year-quest for the elusive identity...
Depressed patients see quality of life improve with nerve stimulation: Study focuses on people not treated effectively with antidepressants 08/21/2018 Health News, People with depression who are treated with nerve stimulation experience significant improvements in quality of...
Genetic mutation underlying severe childhood brain disorder identified: Pachygyria characterized by irregular unfolding of brain surface cells 08/10/2018 Health News, Ashleigh Schaffer, PhD, assistant professor of genetics at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine,...
New method to monitor cellular decision making 08/09/2018 Health News, The healthy function, or disease-fueling dysfunction, of any given organ stems from the behavior, or...
Genetic factors contributing to ‘strabismus’ — or misaligned eyes: A new candidate gene discovered in a tropical fish 08/09/2018 Health News, Approximately 2-3 % of children suffer from a condition called strabismus, which is more commonly...
The rules of attraction: Scientists find elusive molecule that helps sperm find egg 08/06/2018 Health News, Scientists affiliated with the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) have identified a key molecule driving chemoattraction...
Traumatic brain injury: Discovery of two molecules could lead to new drug treatments: Ten-year study shows promising results 07/30/2018 Health News, After 10 years of research, a Rutgers-led team of scientists has identified two molecules that...
Enzyme lays the foundations for allergic immune response 07/25/2018 Health News, While in search of the causes of allergies and asthma, a chance discovery has yielded...
Mobile phone radiation may affect memory performance in adolescents, study finds 07/23/2018 Health News, Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields may have adverse effects on the development of memory performance of specific...
Brain study paves way for therapy for common cause of dementia 07/06/2018 Health News, Scientists have uncovered a potential approach to treat one of the commonest causes of dementia...