Heart patients advised to move more to avoid heart attacks and strokes 04/17/2021 Health News, Elevated blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes increase the risk of heart disease. But a...
Glaucoma may be more than just an issue of eye pressure 04/14/2021 Health News, A chemical known to protect nerve cells also slows glaucoma, the leading cause of irreversible...
How A Healthy Lifestyle Can Give You More Years To Live 04/13/2021 Health News, Being healthy entails more than just eating a salad once in a while or going for...
This Yoga Move Is More Helpful to Men Over 40 Than You’d Expect 04/06/2021 Fitness, Trainer, author, and fitness model Kirk Charles, NASM-CPT CES, knows that as you get older,...
MRI scans more precisely define and detect some abnormalities in unborn babies 03/13/2021 Health News, MRI scanning can more precisely define and detect head, neck, thoracic, abdominal and spinal malformations...
MVP Level Up: 6 Dumbbell Bench Press Progressions for More Gains 03/11/2021 Fitness, When it comes time to train your chest, the prevailing gym rat wisdom is to...
More Than 60 Neglected Dogs Rescued from Property in North Carolina 02/19/2021 Pet Care, On February 17, we assisted Caldwell County Animal Control (CCAC) in rescuing more than 60...
Asthma deaths 50% more likely in poorest areas compared to richest 02/17/2021 Health News, People with asthma in the most deprived areas are 50% more likely to be admitted...
How Men Over 40 Can Make Lower Body Workouts More Efficient 02/16/2021 Fitness, Author, fitness model, and trainer Kirk Charles, NASM-CPT CES, knows that as you get older,...
Smoke- and tobacco-free policies grew more popular over time, even among tobacco users 01/28/2021 Health News, Support for policies prohibiting smoking and the use of tobacco products on Oregon State University's...