Stem cell identity unmasked by single cell sequencing technology 05/29/2019 Health News, Scientists from The University of Queensland's Diamantina Institute have revealed the difference between a stem...
Research reveals insulin-producing beta cells may change function in diabetes 05/18/2019 Health News, A revolutionary new study using only materials derived from humans has revealed that insulin-producing beta...
Injections of a novel protein reduced artery blockage by enhancing lymphatic vascular function in mice 05/14/2019 Health News, Injections of a protein associated with healthy lymphatic vessel function reduced artery blockage known as...
Smelling with your tongue: Identification of functional olfactory receptors in human taste cells opens doors to new approaches to modify food flavor 04/25/2019 Health News, Scientists from the Monell Center report that functional olfactory receptors, the sensors that detect odors...
Scientists advance creation of ‘artificial lymph node’ to fight cancer, other diseases 04/19/2019 Health News, In a proof-of-principle study in mice, scientists at Johns Hopkins Medicine report the creation of...
The Leukemia Atlas: Researchers unveil proteins that signal disease: Computational researchers develop protein atlas to accelerate personalized medicine 04/18/2019 Health News, Only about one in four people diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) survive five years...
How do muscle and tendon connections last a lifetime? Cell biologists show in fruit flies how a protein controls mechanical stress on muscle-tendon attachments 04/04/2019 Health News, Muscles are connected to tendons to power animal movements such as running, swimming or flying....
Protein ‘spat out’ by cancer cells promotes tumor growth 03/27/2019 Health News, Prostate cancer cells change the behaviour of other cells around them, including normal cells, by...
Putting the break on our immune system’s response 03/05/2019 Health News, Researchers have discovered how a tiny molecule known as miR-132 acts as a "handbrake" on...
Teaching human cells to clean house to delay aging and fight neurodegeneration 01/25/2019 Health News, Monash researchers have unlocked a key process in all human cells that contributes to diseases...