Get walking, while working: the treadmill desk 09/30/2018 Fitness, I write, therefore I sit. Sometimes, I sit for six hours a day. Sometimes, eight....
The lowdown: Running shoes 09/30/2018 Fitness, Motion controlled What are they? Rigid, sturdy shoes that prevent what experts call "over-pronation" (the...
Seven ways to a healthy heart 09/30/2018 Fitness, Get more sleep Too little sleep may increase your risk of developing high blood pressure,...
Rules made to be broken | Andrew Martin 09/30/2018 Fitness, The annual Health Survey for England, today, gives details of the percentage of women and...
How do you train for running the Virgin London Marathon dressed as a hippo? 09/30/2018 Fitness, This Sunday, a hippo and a duck will put on their running shoes and race...
Get fit in 12 weeks: Week 11 09/30/2018 Fitness, 1. Sort out your CV What do you want? We're into the penultimate week, and...
Why has women’s fitness become a beauty contest? | Anna Kessel 09/30/2018 Fitness, Being a female Olympian must be a confusing experience. You win a gold medal, you...
Two wheels: Thomas Keegan 09/30/2018 Fitness, In White Teeth, Zadie Smith's 2000 novel about the lives of a pair of wartime...
Vertical Rush: The UK’s first tower running race 09/30/2018 Fitness, Have I got everything? Trainers - check. The Rocky theme tune set to repeat on...
Ultrarunning: the route to the ultimate runner’s high 09/30/2018 Fitness, Eight-and-a-half hours into the 100km (62m) Norfolk Coastal ultramarathon, the pain in my legs and...