Indoor rowing vs kayaking 10/01/2018 Fitness, Cardio fitness Indoor rowing Using 70% of your muscles dynamically gets your heart rate up:...
Peta Bee: Retro walking is big, and growing 10/01/2018 Fitness, Ever felt your fitness regime was heading into reverse gear? Yes, we've all been there...
Lucy Atkins on infant swimming 10/01/2018 Fitness, When two-year-old Elizabeth Jelley fell into the family swimming pool she managed to right herself,...
Joanna Hall: Body strategy 10/01/2018 Fitness, I am 48 and recovering from breast cancer. I have had reconstructive surgery and now...
Guide to strength training for swimming 10/01/2018 Fitness, In the gym, the goal of swimmers is to get stronger without bulking up. "The...
Fitness experts answer all your questions about swimming 10/01/2018 Fitness, Do you have any tips to improve my breathing when I am swimming? Taking regular...
Does Pole-zing work? 10/01/2018 Fitness, What is it? A fusion of Nordic walking and Pilates, Pole-zing involves power-walking in groups...
Easy yoga poses for bad backs and other common health problems 10/01/2018 Fitness, For insomnia, try the … Child’s pose (balasana) Poses that fold your body in on...
Save your holiday – leave your running shoes at home | Carl Cederström 10/01/2018 Fitness, Last summer, while staying in the Swedish archipelago with my wife and young daughter, a...
I stopped going to the gym because of Trump. Now I can’t open jars | Brigid Delaney 10/01/2018 Fitness, It was November 2016 and the only person I knew who believed Trump would win...