Pilates for beginners: 4 core exercises 04/20/2021 Fitness, Pilates is the perfect workout to strengthen your core and improve mobility using only bodyweight....
Want to do a pull-up? These 3 exercises will help you get there 04/19/2021 Fitness, Strong Women trainer Risqat Fabunmi-Alade demonstrates this 3-move 10-minute back workout so you can get...
Best independent fitness gear and nutrition brands: 6 new products to add to your kit list 04/13/2021 Fitness, Sign-up for a free trial to the Strong Women Training Club and make the most...
“How I learned to exercise in ‘moderation’ and stop obsessing over my workouts” 04/13/2021 Fitness, Are you an all-or-nothing exerciser? One writer explains how she learned to exercise in moderation...
Take these social distancing-friendly boxing bag workouts to the gym 04/08/2021 Fitness, If you’ve ever eyed up the boxing punch bag in the gym but didn’t know...
5 essential stretches that you should end every workout with 04/01/2021 Fitness, Before you rush off to the shower and then conquer the rest of your to-do...
Reduced risk of injury and 4 other benefits to training with resistance bands 03/30/2021 Fitness, You don’t need to buy a load of bulky, expensive dumbbells to get stronger from...
How long should you rest between sets for the best workout? 03/28/2021 Fitness, Not resting during your workout can have as negative of an impact as taking a...
Bored with squats? Revive your leg day workouts with these 3 variations 03/08/2021 Fitness, Strong Women Training Club trainer Risqat Fabunmi-Alade demonstrates three squat variations to liven up your...
Why influencers owe it to us to be more genuine about home workouts 03/03/2021 Fitness, Home workouts have never been such a big part of our fitness regimes, but are...