New algorithm helps select patients for urgent surgery or chemotherapy during pandemic 06/08/2020 Health News, A new approach to better select breast cancer patients in need of urgent surgery or...
This Whole-Body Mobility Routine Helps After Sitting All Day 04/15/2020 Fitness, While the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has halted the cadence of everyday life for just about...
This Curl Variation Helps Your Train All Your Arm Muscles 02/03/2020 Fitness, You’d be hard pressed (er, pulled) to find someone who doesn’t think biceps curls are...
A single number helps data scientists find most dangerous cancer cells 01/24/2020 Health News, Stanford data scientists have shown that figuring out a single number can help them find...
Targeted therapy drug helps women with aggressive breast cancer live longer 12/12/2019 Medications, A study led by UCLA researchers found that adding ribociclib, a targeted therapy drug, to...
ASPCA Helps Honor Sandy Hook Victim During Annual “Catherine’s Butterfly Party” 06/20/2019 Pet Care, blog_catherines-butterfly-party_062019_main.jpg On Saturday, June 8, the ASPCA Mobile Adoptions team attended the fifth annual “Catherine's Butterfly Party,”...
Mathematician helps surgeon save those injured in explosive blasts 04/03/2019 Health News, An applied mathematician and a military doctor have developed the first simulator to test treatments...
Bandage that generates electricity helps cuts heal FOUR TIMES faster 12/21/2018 Health News, Skincredible! Researchers create a electronic bandage that helps wounds heal FOUR TIMES faster E-band was...
Diet rich in fish helps fight asthma 11/05/2018 Health News, A clinical trial led by La Trobe University has shown eating fish such as salmon,...
My gratitude journal helps me see the light on the darkest of days 10/19/2018 Health News, It’s the clip I always come back to when the world gets too grim –...