The fool-proof way to improve your flexibility 12/07/2020 Fitness, Stiffening up? Stretch it out with these limb-lengthening tips. While we readily incorporate cardio for...
Target every muscle in your thighs with this short but effective workout 12/07/2020 Fitness, Strong Women trainer Janine George demonstrates how to target every single muscle in your thighs...
14 stocking fillers for your fellow fitness fans (or yes, you too) 12/07/2020 Fitness, These fitness gifts are evidence that good things really do come in small packages. Forget...
Want to do pull-ups? This back workout will get you there 11/30/2020 Fitness, Strong Women trainer Emma Obayuvana demonstrates how to strengthen your lat muscles to help you...
Here's how to stay motivated to exercise now the clocks have gone back 10/26/2020 Fitness, Love to exercise but find the colder weather off-putting? Don’t worry, us too. So we...
Lost exercise motivation in these uncertain times? This is how to work through it 10/21/2020 Fitness, When I was little, I practised sprinting for my sports day race on the fields...
From HIIT to EMOM, a handy guide to what those gym acronyms actually mean 10/19/2020 Fitness, Don’t know your DOMS from your AMRAP? The fitness scene loves a good acronym –...
”Liverpool’s lockdown means gyms are closed, and I’m now fearful about my mental health” 10/15/2020 Fitness, Alice Porter is 21 and lives in Liverpool. She is a freelance journalist who uses...
53% of women in India are physically inactive, says survey 01/23/2019 Fitness, While men and women in India are largely physically inactive, women were found to burn...