Mice need a clutch to smell 10/18/2018 Health News, The brain can discriminate over one trillion different odors. Once entering the nose, an odor...
Wheat that pumps iron, naturally: Research shows possibility of increasing nutrition without sacrificing yield 10/06/2018 Health News, Is biofortification the best thing since sliced bread? Well, biofortified wheat could certainly make it...
Unveiling the mechanism protecting replicated DNA from degradation 10/05/2018 Health News, Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University and the FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology (IFOM) in Italy...
How cells repurpose their garbage disposal systems to promote inflammation: Study introduces potential new application for cancer drugs that inhibit a family of enzymes known as ubiquitin ligases 09/18/2018 Health News, G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are everywhere in our bodies. They are embedded in our cell membranes,...
How cells handle a sticky, toxic, but absolutely essential molecule 09/17/2018 Health News, Do you enjoy breathing air? You should spare a thought once in a while for...
How a virus destabilizes the genome 09/14/2018 Health News, New insights into how Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) induces genome instability and promotes cell proliferation...
Inhibiting nuclear factor kappa B improves heart function in a mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy 08/31/2018 Health News, Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a devastating genetic disease that impairs cardiac and skeletal muscle...
Researchers develop ‘cytological ruler’ to build 3D map of human genome 08/28/2018 Health News, It has been almost 20 years since the human genome was first sequenced, but researchers...
How do fruit flies grow legs? Solving a molecular mystery 08/27/2018 Health News, What do cancer and the growing legs of a fruit fly have in common? They...
Trigger, target, trigger: Scientists explore controlled carbon monoxide release: Team develops flavonoid-based photoCORM triggered by visible light 08/17/2018 Health News, About four years ago, Utah State University chemist Lisa Berreau posed a question to USU...